John Newlands

    John Newlands was born Nov. 26 . 1837 and died July 29 , 1898. Newlands was one of the first to detect a periodic pattern in the properties of the elements and expected later developments of the periodic law. He arranged 62 known elements in order to the increasing atomic mass this was known as the law of
octaves . In the law of octaves he said that every eighth element had similar traits. It referred back to musical analogy in a chemical theory. It was ridiculed until Mendeléev published his periodic table.

Newlands' Octaves
H Li Ga B C N O
F Na Mg Al Si P S
Cl K Ca Cr Ti Mn Fe
Co,Ni Cu Zn Y In As Se
Br Rb Sr Ce,La Zr Di,Mo Ro,Ru
Pd Ag Cd U Sn Sb Te
I Cs Ba,V Ta W Nb Au
Pt,Ir Tl Pb Th Hg Bi Cs

        Newlands was a chemist at a sugar refinery from 1868 to 1886.  He studied at Royal College of Chemistry in London.

    John Newlands was a key scientist to the advancement of chemistry. He
created the law of octaves which led to the creation of periodic law that was later
introduced . Newlands is not a widely known scientist but still had an important
role in the coming of the periodic table as we all  know it.


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