Element Page : Neon

     Neon is a noble gas. Its atomic symbol is Ne. Neon was derived from the Greek word meaning new, neos. Neons boiling point is -246° C and its cooling point is
-196° C. Neon was the first element shown to consist of more than one stable isotope. Neon has many uses such as in neon signs in which you put neon in and run an electric charge through it and it causes it to shine as a color. Other uses include glow lamps,high-voltage indicators, lightning arrestors, wave meter tubes, TV tubes , electron tubes, plasma studies, fluorescent starter tubes, cryogenic refrigeration and gas lasers.No chemical compounds that have been observed that are stable.Neon, a very inert element, is however said to form a compound with fluorine. It is still questionable if true compounds of neon exist, but evidence is coming up to support that fact . The ions, Ne+, NeAr+, NeH+, and HeNe+ are known from optical and mass spectrometric studies. It  also forms an unstable hydrate.

Neon was discoverd by Ramsey and Travers. Neon is rare in the atmosphere 1 part in 65,000 of air. It is found by liquefaction of air and also separated from the other gases by fractional distillation.


 Name  Neon
Symbol Ne
# of elementary particle 10 protons 10 electrons 10 neutrons 
atomic number 10
atomic mass 20.180
number of valence electrons  None - noble gas
Boiling Point (°C):  -246
Melting Point (°C):  -248.6
Thermal Conductivity  0.0001
heatVapor  0.422
heatFusion  0.08

Name in Other Languages
Latin: Neon
Czech: Neon
Croatian: Neon
French: Neon
German: Neon - r
Italian: Neo
Norwegian: Neon
Portuguese: Neônio
Spanish: Neón
Swedish: Neon

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